Home remedies for anemia

Anemia has become common due to stressful and hectic lifestyle. It can be caused due to various factors. Factors like poor eating habits and stress are some of them. Genetic factors are also responsible for anemia. Anemia causes poor hemoglobin count in the body. It is also responsible for iron deficiency. Anemia is a temporary condition, and can be treated with medications. However, you can also treat anemia by healthy eating and various other tips.

Here are some home remedies in terms with treating anemia.

Healthy eating habit is the basis to cure the condition of anemia in the body. As deficiency of iron is the main cause of anemia. You should try and include foods which are rich in iron source.
Try to include cereals, dry dates and beans in your daily diet.

Green veggies are also good source of iron for the body. Green veggies like spinach and broccoli are good source of iron. They should be included in your daily diet. Fruits are also effective in case of anemia. Apple is an excellent source of iron for the body. You should try and include apple regularly. Citrus fruits are also good source of energy for anemic people.

In terms with anemia, try to include fenugreek in your daily diet. You can have fenugreek seeds, or fenugreek soaked in water. Fenugreek supplements are also available in case of iron deficiency. Fenugreek is good source of iron for anemic people.

Celery juice is another effective source of iron. It should be taken on daily basis. You can mix celery juice with beetroot and carrot juice. All three juices are beneficial in case of providing iron to your body. You can include these juices at least three times in a week.

Anemia can be treated with changing your eating habits. An iron rich diet can improve iron deficiency in body. It’s also effective for hemoglobin level.


  1. good blog :) here's more info on anemia if required http://www.whatisanemia.info/


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