Home remedies for foot pain

Foot pain is frequent in case of continuous walking or strenuous activity. Foot pain can also be caused by any hectic physical activity. Many a times, activity like trekking can also cause foot pain. Foot pain can be related to varied parts. 

Sometimes it can relate to ankle or toe pain. There are medications available to cure the condition of foot pain .But; foot pain can be cured using natural remedies. Natural remedies give you respite from foot pain in an effective manner.

Here are some tips you can keep in mind:

Foot pain can be cured using cold compresses, you can place cold compress in your area of pain. It’s very effective in reducing the pain. You can also use ice packs, in case of swelling caused by the pain.

Salt is also effective in curing your foot pain. You can take two table spoons of salt and put it in warm water. Try to soak your foot in water for about twenty to twenty five minutes. It helps to cure your foot pain in a positive way. It’s also helpful in case of any external swelling in ankle area. In case of salt, you can also use Epsom salt to evade your foot pain.

Mustard seeds are also effective in curing any type of foot pain. You can opt for two table spoon of mustard seeds in warm water. Steep your foot in water for about twenty minutes. It effectively cures the pain. You can also opt for mustard oil in case of curing your foot pain.

Just take some mustard oil and warm it a bit. Now, you can opt for massage with this oil. Proper massage helps to increase your blood flow in that particular area. As a result, you can cure your foot pain in an effective manner.


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