Thursday 15 May 2014

Home remedies for colitis

There may be various causes for the condition of colitis. The main cause is associated with eating habits. Common signs of colitis include fever and abdominal pain. Loose stools are another vital sign of colitis. If stools persist for a longer period of time, then check up is imperative.

Colitis can be treated by having medications. However, in case of chronic colitis, surgery is also performed, based on condition. You can cure the condition of colitis by opting for some natural remedies. These remedies may help to control the condition to some extent.

Here are some natural remedies to cure the condition of colitis:

Try and stick to healthy diet in case of colitis. In this case, it’s better to stick to liquid diet. Opt for having diet based on juices. But, the juice intake should be in a natural form. Juices with preservatives may be harmful for body. Try to have buttermilk on daily basis. It’s effective to cure the condition of colitis.

Ginger juice is effective in case of treating colitis. Opt for having one tea spoon of ginger juice with one tea spoon of honey on daily basis. It can help to reduce the pain caused by the condition.

Ripe form of papaya is beneficial in curing the condition of colitis. You can also have ripe papaya juice in case of colitis. Try to have it at least twice in a week.

You can also opt to have curd in case of colitis. Opt for having two tablespoons of curd along with mashed banana. It is very effective in case of curing the condition. It helps to control your stools in a positive manner.

In case of fruits, apple is good in curing of colitis in an effective manner. You can opt for having apple on daily basis.

These are some natural tips you can keep in mind in case of curing colitis.


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