Saturday 24 January 2015

Why men cheat

Why men cheat? This question is too tricky to answer. There are no proven factors to know why men cheat. There are no discreet factors to determine what causes men to cheat on their women. Though, there can be internal cracks in relationship, which leads to this decision. Let’s take a look at some of the factors, which may cause a man to cheat on his woman.

The prime reason is baseless arguments. When there are baseless arguments, which leads to fights, your relationship can suffer. In this case a man can seek emotional stability outside relationship or marriage. In many cases, a man can fall out of love in a relationship, he no longer feels, his partner is attractive. In this case, a man may be staying with his partner due to children or finance. This is common in case of a man cheating on woman.

One more common factor in case of cheating is sex life. If a woman can’t satisfy her man, in terms with sexual life, then there may be a problem. In this case a man may seek for sexual pleasures outside a relationship.

A man can cheat on his woman out of misunderstanding. Many a time’s women do confide things related to relationship to another friend. And, if that friend happens to be a male friend, then men get jealous of this fact. They start thinking that my partner is cheating on me. As a matter of fact, they too take revenge of the situation. The revenge can be in the form of having an affair externally. Another factor is if you allowed it in past. If a man had cheated you in past, then he can even cheat you in future. Keep this factor in mind.

There can be individual reasons, for men cheating on women. But, these are some of the most common reasons.


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