Sunday 17 March 2013

1200 calorie diet tips

courtesy: dietihub

1200 calorie diet is based on specific restrictions, but it is effective in weight loss. The diet works on the basis of basic plan to be implemented regularly. The number of calorie intake in this case is 1200 calories in a day. This diet is usually chosen on short term basis.

It’s ideal for people who want to lose some weight in short span of time. The diet plan has no negative implications on the body. It just works on specified diet plan to be followed on routine basis. The diet plan works according to individual requirement of a person. So, you have an option of choosing accordingly.

Here is a diet plan in terms with 1200 calorie diet:

In terms of breakfast, you may include muffins according to your preference. You can also include some amount of peanut butter in your diet plan. The peanut butter you include should be restricted to one table spoon. You can have one portion of fruit in your diet plan. Banana can also be selected in this case.

In terms of lunch, you can include whole wheat bread. You can opt for limited quantity of cheese in this case. In terms of lunch, you can also include lettuce along with tomatoes. It also acts as a healthy eating option.

You can also include moderate amount of turkey in case of lunch. Mustard oil can be used in case of cooking in this case. You can include any one portion of fruit in terms of lunch in this diet plan. In this case, you may include orange.

In terms of dinner, you can include any green vegetable of your choice in stir fried form. You can also include moderate quantity of chicken in your diet plan. Chicken can be included in grilled form. You can also include moderate amount of brown rice, based on your preference.

1200 calorie diet works on definite proportion. It has no downbeat outcome on your body.

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