Eyeshadow makeup
Here are some tips you may deem for your eye shadow makeup
You have choice of selecting from basic or powder eye shadow
colors. This plays the basis of your ete makeup. Conider a shade which can
easily match up with your skin tone. You can choose a color based on your eye color
suitability. You can also use an applicator brush for application of eye shadow
in a perfect manner. You may use a brush
which can enhance your eye shadow makeup. Brush can also be chosen, if you want
to opt for two tones in your eye shadow makeup.
You can also choose to apply an eye shadow makeup based on
your eye shape. You can choose to apply dark shades for you small eye make-up
to enhance your look. If you want to reduce your condition of puffy eyes,
choose dark colors in your eye shadow makeup. You can also choose colors based
on your basic theme in your eye shadow makeup. Try and consider lighter shades
for your casual make-up. You can experiment with dark shades if you are
going on party occasions. You can also use two tones with respect to this
makreup theme.
You can apply eye shadow make-up prior to your ete liner. This
can also help in perfect etye makeup. There are varied shimmer shades which can
also be chisen based on your theme and occasion in your eye makrup.
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