Exercises for lower back

Lower back pain is very common in women. You can easily low back pain by practising simple exercises. There are many basic exercises which can also be used in the form of stretching. You may deem low back pain in context with your body suitability. Lower back exercises can be practices on regular basis. Lower back exercises can be implemented in varied positions. You can also deem lower back exercises in the form of gym workouts. You can also consider lower back exercises in the form of using an exercise ball. This can also make a difference in your back related pain.

 Here are some lower back exercises you may consider:

You can lie down and sleep in a comfortable position. You can also use a basic exercise mat for this purpose. You can then lift your knees to your vest area. You have to do this in a gradual manner. Consider this based on your individual comfort. Try and lift your left leg first, hold it for some time, and then use your right leg. You can strengthen your lower back area with this type of basic exercise. Try and consider this depending on your comfort level.

You can consider a exercise ball for your basic lower back exercises. Try and sit with your stomach facing the ball. You can then stretch your legs and give a slight pull. This can help to strain your back muscles in an effective manner. This type of basic exercises is also suitable to your lower back area. Try and consider this based on your suitability. You can consider this based on your comfort in initial period of exercises, you can also conider bared other crunches.


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