Home cures for cavities

Cavities are a common problem related to teeth. It usually develops with decay in your teeth. If, not cured it can also develop in the form of tooth abscess. Some cavities are mild so there is no pain in your tooth area.

But, some cavities are big, which result in severe pain the area of teeth. You may need a filling or other dental procedures for condition of cavity. But you can use certain natural remedies to prevent your cavities and reduce them in a positive manner.

Here are certain natural remedies which you can keep in mind for the condition of cavities:

You can use natural form of clove oil for condition of your cavity. If there is a mild cavity, you can dab some oil in your tooth area. You can also reduce your pain by clove oil. You can also keep two to three cloves in your on your teeth for getting rid of pain caused by cavity.

You can take one tea spoon of olive oil and put it in warm water. Now, rinse your mouth with this water. It helps to reduce the pain caused by the condition of cavity. You can opt for this method on daily basis for preventing your cavity.

You can use some salt water in the form of rinse for curing all your cavities. This can also help to reduce your pain caused by cavity. You can also use Epsom salt for preventing your cavities.

Another method to reduce your cavity is by opting for sugar free gums. These gums are very effective for reducing your cavity in a natural manner.

It’s very important to brush your teeth two to three times in order to avoid cavities. It helps to get rid of all the substances that you have in your meal. This is the most effective way to prevent cavities.

You can avoid cavities by opting for drinks with straws. This is useful if you having any milkshake or other sweet drinks. This can help to prevent from the condition of cavities in a positive manner.

These are some methods to prevent your cavities.


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