Friday 30 September 2016

Dark circles cure

True beauty of a woman lies in the eyes. Beautiful eyes give real insight of a woman’s personality. But, dark circles ruin the true beauty of eyes. In this stressful life, almost fifty percent of people suffer from dark circles. There are various reasons for dark circles under the eyes. The main reason is lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation causes visible dark circles under the eyes. Lack of vitamins in the body is another cause of dark circles under the eyes. Other reason may be lack of water i.e. dehydration. That leads to dark circles under the eyes.

Getting rid of dark circles is easy if you keep simple steps in mind. Firstly, you should try and sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours. Whatever the reasons may be, sleep is very important for healthy body. Cucumber has healing properties in case of dark circles. Keeping a slice of cucumber under the eyes; helps to get rid of dark circles.

Other than this, potato is also beneficial for cooling of the eyes. Keeping cool potato slice under the eyes cures dark circles instantly. But, this regime has to be followed every alternate day. It has natural healing properties in case of dark circles under the eyes.

Application of almond oil under the eyes is also effective in case of dark circles. Almond oil provides natural nutrients to the skin. External application of almond oil is very beneficial in case of dark circles under the eyes. You can also choose lemon juice mixed with few drops of glycerin.

Lemon has properties of natural astringent, so it works wonders, in case of dark circles. Taking care of dark circles is easy, if you maintain a regular routine life. You just have to keep in mind, one thing; don’t let stress affect your body in negative way.


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