Wednesday 28 September 2016


If you work on the computer for prolonged hours, you should consider basic forms of neck stretching exercises. there are many exercises which can help to improve flexibility of your neck. you can try and consider these exercises based on your body suitability. you can also consider neck exercises for preventing yourself from neck related can start with these exercises on gradual basis. 

once your neck is flexible, try and consider these exercises on daily basis.if you have problems with your neck,then try and avoid these exercises. you should keep in mind basic comfort while exercises. if you have discomfort, you can stop with the same.

Here are some basic exercises you may consider for your neck stretching:
You can start with basic side stretch at first place you can use your neck and slightly bend towards your life side. try and bend till your ears. you should do this gradually to avoid any type of discomfort in your stretching. try and do the repeat this process slowly,. 

you can start with a basic count of five at first place. you can then move your neck depending on your body suitability. don’t do this exercise, if you have neck pain. this can aggravate your neck pain. try and consider basic form of comfort for this.

You can also consider a chin down stretching excercise for your daily stretching, this helps to strengthen your neck from the back area. try and consider this exercise atrating from a basic count you can do this stretching on daily basis. this exercise is also good for any back related pain. try and stretch your neck till you can. don’t push yourself much in these stretching exercises. you have to be very careful regarding this basic factor.

You can also conisder4 basic stretching exercises in the form of ear to shoulder stretching. this also plays an important role in your stretching exercises. you should try and practice these exercises on daily basis to increase your neck flexibility in an effective manner.

These are some basic types of neck stretching exercises which you may derebds on your daily practice and suitability,.

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