Fear of rejection

Fear of rejection is a common phenomenon in case of approaching someone you love. Many a times, you get vary of approaching someone, due to fear of rejection. You have to realize, that you can’t force anybody to love you. Be open to the decision of getting rejected. Everyone is entitled to their individual likes and dislikes in life. You should not fear rejection in any phase of life.

Here are some tips to overcome fear of rejection:

In case of overcoming your fear of rejection, you should consider your fear at first place. Try to know, why you fear rejection. Rejection is not the end of world. Try to get your fear out, by developing a positive approach. Once you know the reasons for fear of rejection, you can change your mind.

Try to know the effects of fear of rejection. If you fear rejection, nothing is going to change. Situations are going to remain the identical. You just have to prepare your mind for rejection. It will surely take some time, but you can get out in a positive manner from this situation.

Fear of rejection is associated with being scared. There are many people who don’t approach a person in case of this fear. But, in this case, they also lose a chance. It isn’t imperative, that if you fear rejection, everything will be negative. If you don’t ask at first place, how will you know about feelings of other person?

Fear of rejection can also harm you in a negative way. If you fear rejection all the time, you probably won’t get any positive chance.


Fear of rejection is all about a simple no. You shouldn’t take it in a negative form. Try to stay positive to overcome your fear of rejection. Fear of rejection is all in the mind of person. You can get rid of the same by accepting the situation.



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