Tuesday 31 March 2015

Body hair removal

Body hair has always been a cause of social embarrassment in case of women. There are temporary and permanent methods for body hair removal today. Some methods are painful, while others are painless. In case of body hair removal, main parts include underarms, chin, and bikini area.

The most preferred methods to remove body hair are waxing and laser. Waxing is a temporary option of body hair removal. On the other hand, laser is a permanent method for body hair removal. Waxing as a process of body hair removal can be done on each part of body .But, it is a painful process.

In case of difficult body parts, women choose depilatory creams. The reason being, these creams are harmless and painless. These creams have temporary effect on body hair. But using of this method results in faster growth of hair. Before, opting for this method, do test it on your skin type. There are depilatory creams in market, which doesn’t suit all the skin types. However, this process of body hair removal is inexpensive as compared to other procedures. Generally, women use these creams in case of underarms and bikini areas. Using of these creams in case of body hair is effective for coarse hair.

Another effective method which is fast catching up is laser. This is an expensive method in case of body hair removal. Laser method is generally opted in case of underarms. Use of laser beam is effective in this case. But, this method is time consuming. Generally, there are five to seven sessions in case of permanent body hair removal in laser. The primary advantage of laser hair removal is; it works on individual skin types. So, weather you have light complexion or dark complexion, it doesn’t make any difference.

You can choose from various body hair removal methods, according to your needs.

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