Friday 28 December 2012

Health benefits of carrots

Carrots have maximum health benefits as compared to other veggies. Its rich in source of vitamin A and B. Carrot are good for the condition of your eyes. Having carrot on regular basis can help to improve your eye sight to an extent. Carrot is also source of riboflavin. This in turn helps in condition of your skin.

If you include carrot in good quantity in your diet plan, you can prevent early signs of aging on your skin. This is also effective in condition of wrinkles on your skin. There are many other health benefits of carrot which you can keep in mind.

Here are certain basic health benefits of carrot which you can keep in mind:

Carrot is good in maintaining the blood pressure level of your body. You can include it in natural form or in the form of juice in your daily diet plan.
Carrot helps to lower the blood pressure level of your body and helps to prevent against clots. It’s also useful in the condition of high cholesterol level of the body.

People who suffer from problem of high cholesterol can include carrot juice on regular basis. This in turn benefits the condition of heart. If cholesterol level of the body is under control, it helps to prevent against various heart diseases in an effective manner.

Carrot is very effective in the condition of menstrual cramps. If you have carrot juice on regular basis, it can reduce your cramps in effective manner. It also helps to regulate your periods in an effective manner.

You can also include juice of carrot and beet to reduce the pain in periods caused by cramps. Carrot is also effective for breast health. It helps to strengthen the breast tissues in an effective way. It helps to prevent against various breast related diseases.

Carrot is also effective for people who suffer from problem of diabetes. It helps to maintain a normal blood sugar level in the body. It helps to keep your diabetes in control.

These are some main benefits of carrots, which you can keep in mind. It also depends on your intake on daily basis.

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