Monday 16 March 2015

Get rid of your temper

When things don’t go according to our wish, we tend to get hyper. Temper is an easy option of getting away with negative situations. But, actually temper is worst thing in terms with mind and body.

Temper is the most negative trait of a person. We all know temper can cause problems. Condition of temper can make situations even worse. But, still it’s difficult to control the temper. The only reason behind this is patience. The minute we lose our patience we get hyper and angry. This is a sign of short temper. But, if we have patience, we won’t lose our temper so easily.

There can be various cons in case of short temper. The main cause of being negative is temper. Temper causes many problems in terms with health. A person, who is short tempered in nature, is always hyper in nature.

One of the major causes of high blood pressure in a person is temper. Temper can also cause serious conditions like a heart attack. Temper can also be one of the causes of anxiety. A person who is short tempered is more restless as compared to person who is quiet and calm by nature. Temper is a main cause of uneven thoughts in the mind.

In case of temper, it’s advisable to divert your mind to other things. Situations are going to remain the same, whether you are angry or not. Then why do we get angry and waste our time and fruitful energy.

One instant method in case of cooling down is opting for cold water. It is actually proven, that having a glass of cold water, can cool you down. When you are hyper, just have a glass of water, it may help you calm down to some extent.


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