Get rid of warts

courtesy: buzzle
Warts look ugly in case of body skin. The main reason of warts on skin is overgrowth of skin. If there is any outbreak of bacteria, it can also cause warts. Warts are of different types and varied sizes. Though, warts can be surgically removed. But, surgical process is expensive in nature. There are many ways to remove warts naturally. Here are some of the tips to remove warts.

 Raw potato is very effective in case of removing warts from the skin. Daily application of raw potato helps to lighten the color of warts. Radish is also effective in case of treating warts. Application of radish juice is effective in case of warts.
Castor oil and olive oil are also effective in case of small warts. Mix one teaspoon of castor and olive oil and apply to your wart. Leave it for fifteen minutes. Application of these oils can be based on alternate basis. It gradually reduces the wart in a positive way. Castor oil can also be mixed with baking soda for immediate results. You can apply this paste and leave it for ten minutes. It helps to lighten up your warts.

Garlic juice is effective in treating warts. Daily application of garlic juice eliminates warts in some months. But, garlic juice you are applying should be in a pure form. Tea tree oil is also good in curing of warts. Pure tea tree oil applied on warts helps to treat the warts in a positive way. The most effective method in case of warts is duct tape. Application of duct tape on your wart helps to lighten the wart. And, if you use duct tape on regular basis, then your wart may even disappear. Vitamin C can also be used in treating of warts in a natural manner.

Warts can be permanently eliminated with use of these applications.


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