What causes bad breath?
Try and avoid condition of bad
breath by opting for various methods. The most effective way to avoid the
condition of bad breath is related to brushing your teeth. It’s vital to opt
for brushing three times in a day in order to avoid condition of bad breath.
Here are some factors which can
cause condition of bad breath:
Many a times, diet can also affect
your bad breath. Many foods can be responsible for condition of bad breath. This
can include foods which are pungent in odor. Foods like raw onions and garlic
can cause condition of bad breath. Garlic and onion can also have a stench
You can opt for chewing a mouth
fresher to avoid the condition of your bad breath. Bad breath can also be
triggered by having tobacco and alcohol. Try and limit the intake of these
products in order to reduce your bad breath. You should also try and avoid
having these products.
Many a times, condition of bad
breath can also be caused due to gastric problems. This also includes problem
of acidity. You can try and restrict having foods which may cause acidity. Bad
breath may also be caused by other forms of illness. You can opt for having
natural mouth fresheners like clove for this.
Bad breath can also be caused by
varied types of gum diseases. You can opt for rinsing your mouth with water for
this. You should also consider regular flossing along with your brushing. Failing
to do so can also cause the condition of bad breath.
You can also opt for a natural form
of mouth wash or mouth fresheners after brushing. This also helps to prevent
from condition of bad breath. You can also use this two times for avoiding the
condition of bad breath.
These are some basic causes you may
consider for your condition of bad breath.
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