Lotion for dry skin
Here are some dry skin lotions which you may consider:
You can take various natural essential beauty oils for your
dry skin texture. These oils are very effective for reducing the condition of
dryness from your skin. you can use natural form of beauty oil in the form of jojoba
oil for your skin. Take one part of jojoba oil and one part of sesame oil for condition
of dry skin. You can also add some drops of rose water in this mix. You can
apply this as your dry skin lotion for taking care of your skin on daily basis.
these oils help to soothe your dry skin in an effective manner.
You can also use basic alove vera juice for taking care of
your dry skin. this can also be used as natural dry skin lotion for your skin.
try and take some aloe Vera juice and add some vitamin E oil in this mix. try
and apply it on your skin on regular basis. this helps to make your dry skin
smooth in texture. this also helps to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles from
dry skin. wrinkles are more prone to dry skin as against any other skin
texture. you should pay special heed to this factor. this method can also bring
an instant shine on your dry skin texture.
You can also use natural form of beeswax and grape seed oil
for condition of your dry skin. its effective to use as dry skin lotion on
daily basis.
Nice Blog !!! perfectly written!!! An effective Lotion for dry skin can be like a God sent gift for the millions of people suffering from itchy, cracking and flaking of severely dry skin. I will give you the inside information on what to look for and what to avoid in the best dry skin lotion. Keep on sharing!!!