Saturday 4 February 2017

Calcium supplements do they work?

Calcium is as important, as any other vitamin for the body. Calcium is a major source of energy to our bones. Calcium deficiency is a major cause of bone problems in human body. Intake of calcium in every form is beneficial for the body. But, intake of calcium depends on different age groups. Well, there should be maximum intake of calcium, when you are young. Calcium taken at young age helps bones remain strong at later stage of life. Calcium is also a major source of vital energy in case of teeth. If you make a regular routine, to add calcium in your diet, bones and teeth may have no problems.

 Calcium supplements are available in the form of foods and tablets. But, it’s best to take calcium in the form of natural foods. The main source of calcium in the form of foods is provided by milk and veggies containing calcium. Drinking two glasses of milk in your daily routine adds up, for your daily intake of calcium.

 But, you can’t rely only on glasses of milk. Intake of calcium should be taken in the form of fruits and vegetables. In fruits, bananas and figs provides maximum advantage of calcium to the body. They are natural sources of calcium for the body.

 In the form of vegetables, there is maximum calcium in broccoli and tofu. Broccoli is again a natural source of calcium to the body. Eating broccoli in a week provides calcium to large extent. Soya provides maximum vitamins and minerals to the body. Tofu has maximum calcium properties required for regular intake. Adding tofu to your daily diet provides calcium to the bones. Other than this, calcium intake is also important for growing children. In case of body formation, calcium helps in overall physical growth. Calcium intake is a must in your daily diet.


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