Wednesday 18 January 2017

Why men marry?

Men are mostly scared of commitment. But, there are certain factors and situations which propel men to marry. Men also need true love and stability in life. The basic factor in this case is support. After a point of time, men need emotional support; this is the time they seek for long term commitment. When a man falls for true feeling of love, it’s really hard then. In this case, most of the men consider marriage for life long commitment. There are some other factors to consider in case of long term commitment.

 Like women, men also seek for true comradeship. To fulfill this urge, men usually opt for marriage. This is in terms with life long commitment. There are many cases, where a man marries a woman on the basis of companionship. Other factor in this case can be, if he wants to get looked after. Many men take up marriage only on the basis of this factor. By marrying a woman, they can share the household responsibilities more conveniently.

 In case of a second marriage, many men consider a care taker for their children. In this case, they may opt for a marriage.

 Men are known to be more carefree by nature. As a result of which, many men are actually scared of commitment. One important factor in this case is excess demands. In case of getting married, there can be demands from many sides. There can be demands from parents to get married. The demands can also be made from friends. So, in acceptance with the demands, most of the men take up to marriage. There are many instances, where men take up marriage, for the social circle.

 These are some of the prime reasons, why men take up marriage. There may be various other reasons related to different approach in life.


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