Saturday 31 October 2015

Acne tips

Acne is mostly associated with puberty and oily skin. But, adult acne is also very common in nature. Oily skin can be a cause for adult acne. But, the main cause for adult acne is stress. Another reason for adult acne is hormonal imbalance. Imbalance of hormones can take place at any given age. So, this condition causes adult acne in many cases.

 Adult acne can also be common in case of combination skin. There can be acnes in the T-zone area of combination skin. In many cases, adult acne is also resulted by use of heavy makeup products. Makeup doesn’t suit the skin, which can cause acne. Here are some tips in terms with adult acne.

 It’s vital to follow a cleansing routine in case of adult acne. But, try and use mild cleansers in this case. Cleansers help to clean all your blocked pores in the skin. If you apply any type of makeup, it should be oil free. Always remember to clean your makeup with a medicated cleanser. Don’t try to touch your acne in case of irritation. Once you touch your acne, it can worsen the condition. Germs of your hands can result in worsening the condition of acne on your face.

Try to change your pillow cover after every three days. There can be bacteria in your pillow, which can also cause acne. The brushes which you use in case of application of makeup should be kept clean. If possible you should clean it every week. In case of adult acne, it’s important that you keep your hair dandruff free. Try to opt for a mild anti-dandruff shampoo in this case. Use light face masks to cleanse your skin once in a week.

    Keep these simple tips in mind in case of treating adult acne in an effective way.


1 comment:

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