Tuesday 24 February 2015

Stop comparing yourself

The day you compare yourself with others is the day, you insult yourself and your identity. People compare themselves out of various reasons like jealousy and power. Other reason can be inferiority complex. Every person has individual talents. A talent which you have may not be well versed with other person. So, what’s the point in comparing yourself with others?

You know your own worth, and who you are. By comparing yourself to others, you challenge your worth. A person, who is content in life, will never compare and compete with others. Here are some factors to consider in case of comparing yourself with other people.

In case of comparing yourself with others, you totally forget yourself. You are behind the other person. You try to do what other person does. You try to be what other person is. In this whole procedure, you are no where, you have no existence in your case. Life gives us many opportunities to discover ourselves and the potential within. In case of comparing, that potential is lost. The true meaning of existence is also lost. In this case only one motive is there, how I will reach, where other person is? You tend to forget where you want to reach in life.

Another factor in case of comparing yourself with others is loss of confidence. When a person has no confidence in life, he tends to become negative. And, with this negative situation, comparison and competition comes into account. On the other hand, if a person is confident in nature, there is self esteem and value. In this case, there is no need for comparison in any case. It’s vital to have a positive approach in every aspect of life. With being positive, you don’t feel the need of comparing yourself with others.

Never compare yourself with others, by doing so; you lose your self worth!    


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