Saturday 21 February 2015

Hair loss in women

Hair loss in women can be caused by several factors. But, nowadays, the main cause of hair loss in women is stress. There can be various other factors responsible for hair loss in women. Hereditary and coloring are two such factors. 

Hair loss should be treated at right time, in order to avoid further damage. There are numerous products available in case of hair loss in women. But, each product is suitable to individual hair problem. In some cases, there is excessive thinning of hair. While in other cases, there is excessive loss.

Let’s take a look at factors of hair loss individually. As I mentioned, the main cause of hair loss is stress. The main reasons for stress are in the form of mental and emotional stress. Mental stress can be related to your work and family. On the other hand, emotional stress is related to personal relationships.

Another factor is imbalance of hormones in the body. This is one of the major factors of hair loss in women. Hereditary hair loss in women can’t be cured in a proper way. This type of hair loss is associated with genetics. And, hereditary hair loss starts as early as the age of twenty.

Not eating a healthy diet? Well, this is also one cause of hair loss. Many a times, lack of vitamins in the body are left out. For maintaining good hair, it’s important to take a good diet. You should include iron in your regular intake, as its deficiency can lead to hair loss. Using different hair colors can cause allergic reactions to the hair. This is also a cause for hair loss in women.

Early detection of these factors can prevent further damage in case of hair loss. A proper scalp massage can help you in a big way, in controlling your hair loss problems.


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