Thursday 26 February 2015

Express your feelings

Feelings can be expressed in diverse ways. The power of expression in feelings is based on the situation. Feelings can be expressed in the form of verbal, communicative and other signs. Communicative feelings can also relate to power of writing.

Feelings can also be termed as power of self expression. Depending on a particular situation, feelings may be expressed. But, feelings are also expressed according to your mood and personality. Let’s take a look at various aspects of feelings and its expression.

Feelings are normally expressed in case of a deep thought. In case of writer, this is the most natural thing. When you feel strongly for any situation or person, your feelings are at optimum level. There may be many ways to express your feelings. But, the power relates to what you really feel from within.

Feelings can also relate to other person. In this case, if you see any person sad, you naturally feel for that person. There are ways to express this in the form of sadness and tears. Similarly, there is feeling related to happiness. When you see someone happy, your feeling conveys through smile and cheer.

Feelings are mainly related to various moods and emotions. If we have feeling of greed, then it would relate to having every possible thing. If our feeling is related to anger, then the mood can also be destructive.

Expressing our feelings is the basis of living a content life. Feelings are normally associated with our friends and loved ones. The type of situation you are in helps you to express it in that way. In case of loved ones, there is a feeling of security. In case of our friends, there is a feeling of support.

There are varied ways to express our feeling to others, but the internal emotion is the same.

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