Sunday 4 December 2016

Overcome Monday Blues

After a long weekend, Monday morning is often touted as boring and monotonous. Monday morning blues is common among people. Typically, Monday morning blues is related to bad feeling in terms of work.

 It is related to start of another awful work week, which many people fear. If you ask any person, favorite day of the week, the most common answer you may expect may be Friday or Saturday. Monday is seen as the most boring day of the week. So, Monday morning blues is common in case of professional life.

 Here are some tips to overcome Monday morning blues:

 Try to keep an interesting work or activity every Monday. This may help you with your Monday morning blues. If you have prepared yourself, well in advance you won’t have problems. In this case, you would look forward to accomplish that particular activity.

 In case of weekdays, try and turn Monday night as your bustle night. It can be anything related to fun and or other activity. When you set this in mind, you can easily overcome your Monday morning blues. In this case, you may look forward to Monday.

 One more tip in case of overcoming Monday blues, is by opting for family reunion. You can go on a date with your wife. You can also go on family dining in case of Monday. So, it could actually be fun for you.

 With a positive frame of mind, you can easily overcome Monday morning blues. When you take Monday in a negative state, you can’t accept the day as it comes. With positive approach, you have to believe, that Monday is a working day, and it has to come.


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