Home remedies for PCOS

Pcos also known as poly cystic syndrome can be mainly caused due to genetic factors. However, there may be other factors for this condition. The factors relate to obesity, hormonal disorder and inflammation in the area.

Many a times, excess male hormones can also cause this condition. It can be easily treated using medications. In severe cases, there may be a need for surgery. You can also cure the condition using some likely remedies. These remedies can be beneficial for reducing the condition of polycystic syndrome.

Here are some natural tips you can keep in mind in case of Pcos:

There are many herbal medicines available in case of treating this condition. Natural herbs help to treat the condition in an effectual manner. These herbs are available in the form of supplements and pills. They are usually prescribed for a particular duration of time. Different herbal pills are prescribed according to various body conditions.

Diet plays a very important role in case of treating this condition. The kind of diet intake has direct impact on your condition. In case of curing this condition diet can be based on reducing the level of androgens in the body. In this case, you can include foods which are rich in sources of zinc and vitamin B. You can also opt for natural supplements in case of vitamin B in your daily diet plan.

Other foods to be included in the diet plan include foods which are rich in source of omega 3 fatty acids. In this case, you can include flaxseeds in your daily diet. Fish can also be included in moderate quantity in your diet plan.

You can reduce the condition by eliminating stress in most natural manner. Stress can aggravate the condition of pcos .In this case, try and opt for daily stress relief techniques. This can aid you to some extent.



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