Friday 29 January 2016

Stay committed in love

Commitment is a very important part of relationship. this can relate to your love relationship or marriage. no relationship is perfect, without total commitment. commitment gives you a sense of surety in a love relationship. with being committed in a relationship, you feel more secured towards your partner. there are many factors which can let you know about your relationship commitment. this also depends on the way you relate to your partner. you can try and test your relationship commitment by keeping in mind these factors.

Here are some basic factors which you can keep in mind in understanding your relationship commitment:

You can feel total commitment for your partner by keeping your focus right. when you truly feel that your partner loves you, this acts as an important factor. when you can feel the love, you can know that your partner is totally committed to you.

Another important factor in relation to commitment depends on your importance. if your partner respects you for what you are. this is also a form of total commitment. many a times, men tend to disrespect women in some aspects. this can include any form of abuse. this can include any form of physical or emotional abuse. where there is any form of abuse, your partner may not to committed to you.

Commitment in relationship can depend on deep emotional connection. when you feel emotionally connected to your partner, this can also relate to relationship commitment. this connection can go beyond any physical connection. this is total commitment in a relationship.

When you don’t hide things from your partner, you are totally committed in a relationship. relationship commitment means sharing each and every thing on daily basis. relationship commitment is based on total truth. when you feel content and happy with your partner, it can relate to relationship commitment. in total commitment, you feel happy with your partner. even in bad situations, you tend to provide total support to your partner.

There are many other things which you can keep in mind in total commitment in relationship. the degree of commitment depends on your partner and your focus.


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