Monday 4 January 2016

Relationship trouble signs

Every relationship goes through a rough phase in life. But, sometimes a particular argument can also cause serious trouble in your love relationship. There are many verbal and non verbal signs which can indicate problems in your relationship.

It’s vital to know about these signs, failing which it can also lead to divorce. You can know these signs and try to reconcile your issues in relationship positively. The signs can also be based on particular issue you have in your relationship. This can relate to your marriage and love relationship.

Here are some signs which you can keep in mind:

The main sign can relate to communication in a relationship. When there are issues related to communication, you can know; there may be problems in your relationship. When your partner does not speak to you about vital issues, there may be a crack in relationship. When you get to know things about your partner from third person, your relationship may be in serious trouble.

It’s best to confront your partner in communication issue. It’s always better to talk it out rather than suffer on later stages. This is an important sign of reconciliation in your relationship. This matter is also subject to mutual trust you have for your partner in your relationship.

Intimacy is a very important part of relationship. When you aren’t intimate with your partner, it is also a sign of troubled relationship. When your partner avoids your physical touch, it is a main sign of troubled relationship.

This can also relate to sign of infidelity. Many a times, if a man or woman is having an affair, they are not intimate with their partners. Though, this factor can’t be true in many cases. Lack of physical intimacy is also a sign of lack of interest in your partner. So, this plays an important fact in your relationship.

If you and your partner argue on small issues on regular basis, this can also intimate trouble in your relationship. If you don’t trust your partner, there is a possible trouble in your relationship. Factor of trust is very common in terms of love relationship.


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