Monday 30 November 2015

Is he into you?

Many a times some verbal and non verbal signs can let you know, whether your partner really likes you? Based on these signs, you can know whether your partner is into you. The most common sign is in context of his eye contact. there can be a difference in eye contact of your partner. if your partner is into you, he may make a straight eye contact. there may be no distraction from your partners side when he is with you. when he looks straight into your eyes, you can feel the difference. this is the most common sign of knowing that your partner is truly into you. there are many other signs which you may consider in this context.

Here are some basic signs

If your partner has active time for you in general situations, you can know that he is into you. if your partner reschedules all the commitments in order to be with you, you can know he truly likes you. this is again a common factor in knowing that he is interested in you. when you partner hears you with patient ear, you can truly know he likes you. if your partner talks about his personal issues, this is also a possible sign, he is into you. when men are comfortable with women, they like to discus their personal life in normal cases. so, this also plays an important part.

 If your partners friends know everything related to you, you can know your partner is into you. in general cases, men discuss everything related to their liking with friends. so, this can also act as a 

major factor in knowing about the liking. when your partner respects your every decision you can be sure that he is into you,. this also plays an important role in knowing about your partners interest. if your partner compliments on your looks and appreciates on things in general, this is also a possible sign of liking. this is one way to show that your partner cares for you.

These are some possible signs you may consider to know about your partner’s interest.


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