Thursday 20 November 2014

Kinds of abusive relationships

There may be varied types of abusive relationships in love. In most of the cases, physical and sexual abuse in relationship is common. But, abusive relationship can also be in the form of negligence and emotional abuse. Negligence and ignorance are co related to one another. In most of the cases, one partner may ignore the feelings of another partner; this is also a form of abusive relationship.

Here are varied types of abusive relationships:

Sexual abuse is the most common form of abusive relationship. Sexual abusive is frequent in case of marriages. This type of abuse may be in the form of physical mistreatment of body. Abusive relationships also affect your mental state of being. A person is generally scared to talk out in case of this type of abuse. This type of abuse is related to continuous force.

Emotional abuse may be in the form of dominance. In this case, one partner may constantly insult the feelings of another partner. This is also related to mental behavior. In case of this abuse, the main factor is control of single partner. Emotional abuse also involves jealousy and possessiveness. Many people find it hard to cope with this type of abusive in relationship.

Physical abuse is generally related to hitting or beating. This is generally related to physical assault of your partner. This is an again common in case of various marriages. Physical abuse is also related to dominance of one partner. There are many women who feel embarrassed to talk about physical abuse in terms of a relationship.

In case of an abusive relationship, you have to reconsider your relationship. In this case, you can also take help from family and friends. In terms of dealing with abusive relationship; it’s better to evaluate your situation. You must take a definite stand in terms of dealing with abusive relationship.


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