Monday 29 September 2014

Home remedies for eye infection

There can be various causes for condition of eye pain or infection. Continuous stress or sitting for prolonged hours in front of computer can also cause an eye infection.

Eye infection is common in case of any dust particle or conjunctivitis. Though, eye infections can be treated in case of medications or eye drops. There are some simple home remedies which can also cure minor eye infections.

Here are some natural remedies in case of eye infections:

Rose water acts a great remedy for eye pain or infection. Take some iced water and put few drops of rose water into it. Now dip cotton pads into this water for some time. Place it on your eyes for about fifteen minutes. It provides cooling relief from your eye pain. It’s very effective in case of eye pain caused by strains.

You can also opt for Aloe Vera juice in case of treating eye pain or infection. Cool some Aloe Vera juice and put cotton pads into it. Now, place the soaked cotton pads on your eyes. Try to keep it for some time, and repeat the procedure. It’s very effective in case of eye pain; it provides cooling respite to your eyes.

Tea bags are also effective in curing your eye infection to an extent. Boil tea bags for some time, and let it be cool. Now place it on your eyes for five to ten minutes. It’s effective in reducing your eye pain

You can also cure your eye infection using fennel seeds. Boil some seeds along with water. Cool this down, and dip cotton pads into it. Now, place this on your eyes for some time. It gives positive respite from eye pain caused due to stress and strain.

These are effective tips which can provide respite from your eye pain. However, the results for the same depend on individual body type.


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