Thursday 17 July 2014

How to ease tension?

Tension are stress have become part of our daily life. Tension can be related to our personal and professional life. But, tension can have many side implications in the body. Tension can contribute to the condition of fatigue and headache on daily basis. Many people also opt for pills in order to combat headache related to tension on daily basis. However, there are some simple tips you can keep in mind in case of relieving your tension.

Here are some simple tips to relieve tension:

Try and include herbal tea in your daily diet. Herbal tea is very effective in providing complete relaxation of mind and body. You can opt for herbal tea in case of ginger and cinnamon. It helps to relieve your tension to some extent.

In case of headache associated with tension, try and apply hot compresses on regular basis. It helps to relax the muscles and relieves your headache and tension in an effective manner.

Opt for some form of soothing music in order to relieve your tension. When you hear music, your mind gets diverted. This helps to relieve your stress and tension to an extent. Just fifteen minutes of music is enough to relieve your tension.

You can relieve your tension by opting for hot water bath. It naturally helps to relieve your muscles, and provides respite from stress and tension. You can also opt for a hot oil massage in case of relieving your tension. Take some warm oil and massage it on your pressure points of head. This helps in relieving the pain caused by headache. This is very effective in case of your stress.

In case of relieving your tension, try and opt for meditation on daily basis. You can choose to meditate seven to ten minutes on daily basis. It helps to relieve your stress and tension related to work.




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