Friday 25 July 2014

Home remedies for low blood pressure

Stress and tension are main causes for low blood pressure today. There can be several other causes for the condition of low blood pressure. The causes can relate to emotional disturbance and irregular eating pattern. Many a times, there can be loss of blood in the body, which may cause low blood pressure.

The general signs of low blood pressure are related to dizziness and feeling of weakness. You can take medications to cure the condition of low blood pressure. There are certain natural remedies which may help in condition of low blood pressure.

Here are certain natural tips to keep in mind in case of low blood pressure:

Low blood pressure can be effectively cured using salt. In case of low blood pressure, you can take one tea spoon of salt in warm water. Try to have this twice in a day. It helps to cure the condition of low blood pressure.

Beet root juice is effective in case of condition of low blood pressure. In case of low blood pressure, try to have beet root juice on daily basis. It effectively cures the condition. But, try to have beet root juice in raw form.

Intake of dairy products can help to stable the condition of low blood pressure. Try to include milk at least two times in a day to effectively cure condition of low blood pressure. Try and include max amount of fresh fruits in your daily diet. It’s good for the condition.

It’s advisable to avoid any strenuous activity in case of condition of low blood pressure. You can try to do certain breathing exercises in case of curing the condition of low blood pressure. Try and follow a balanced diet in case of low blood pressure. Try to include all the green veggies and fruits in your regular diet plan.

These are some natural tips to cure low blood pressure.


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