Tuesday 8 April 2014

Massage for cellulite

There are many ways to reduce your cellulite, and massage is one of them. You can opt for simple massage tricks for reducing your cellulite. Massage increases blood circulation in your body. This in turn is effective for your cellulite. You can easily reduce condition of cellulite by practising simple massage tricks on daily basis. many women have excess cellulite in arm and thigh area. if you suffer from the same problem, opt for basic massage to get rid of your condition. There are different tricks you may consider for your cellulite massage. try and consider a daily massage if you want results.

Here are some tricks, you may consider for your cellulite massage:

You can use a body lotion or special cellulite cream for your massage. you can also use cellulite gels for your massage. apply a cellulite gel, on the defecated area. you can then gently stroke the area with the help of fingers. You can start with stroking in a circular motion. You should try to put some pressure on the area, while you stroke with your fingers. This helps to increase the blood circulation, this in turn may help to reduce your condition of cellulite. This is a basic massage trick, you may start with.

You can also massage using longer strokes. Try and use longer finger strokes in areas like thighs and stomach. This can effectively help to reduce your condition of cellulite. You can also use knead massage technique for your cellulite condition. You need to apply a cellulite cream or gel, with the help of your knuckles press the area. this is called the knead technique. This massage technique is also very popular for cellulite massage. you can practice this techniuw on daily basis to educe your cellulite condition. It is easy and gives great results.

You can also consider pinch technique for your massage. though, many women are not so comforbale with this technique. You canopt for pinch massage tenchniue, if you feel comforbale. You need to pinch your skin between thumb and fingers slightly. This also helps to reduce ytour excess cellulite. You can opt for this massage technique once in a week for good results. This massage technique is effective for your arm and thigh flab. When you massage your skin using this tenchniue, try to so this slowly. it also increases your blood circulation in an effective way.

You may also use essential beauty oils like ginger oil and lavender oio for your cellulite massage. these oils are very effective for your massage. you can use basic almomnd oil for massage, if you have a dry skin.

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