Wednesday 26 April 2017

Skin blisters

Excess heat in the body can cause skin blisters. there may be other causes for condition of skin blisters. this includes a skin infection or skin allergy. normally, skin blisters may reduce after two or three days. but, you can apply natural or medicated creams for your blisters. you can also opt for application of natural herb on your skin blisters. application of aloe Vera on your skin blisters provide with cooling respite to your blisters. you can also opt for varied other methods to reduce the condition of your blisters.

Here are certain methods you may consider:

You can opt for natural form of grapefruit juice for your skin blisters. this naturally helps to reduce the condition of your blisters. you can also make a paste of grapefruit seed and apply it on your skin blisters. try and consider its application two to three times. it also helps to reduce the condition of redness on your skin blisters. you can also add some castor oil to this mix. you can apply castor oil in natural form as it has anti bacterial property. it can cure the pain caused by skin blisters.

You can also opt for apple cider vinegar on your skin blisters. take some apple cider vinegar in cotton and directly apply on your blisters. let the area completely dry before you wipe it off. this helps to make your blister dry. you can see positive results on your skin blisters after two to three days. this method has no side implication on your skin’s texture. you can also mix natural form of onion juice in this method. try and apply this on your area of blisters. this also has anti bacterial property which can help in condition of skin blisters.

There are natural form of anti fungal powder which you can use on your skin blisters. anti fungal powders can also be used in herbal or medicated form. application of these powders can help to make your area dry in nature. this also helps to cure the itching sensation caused by blisters.

These are some basic tips you may consider for skin blisters.


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