Friday 8 July 2016

Benefits of lemon

Lemon has more health benefits than drawbacks. You can include lemon in natural form or juice form in your daily diet plan. It helps to build up your immunity in a positive manner. Lemon helps to aid your digestive system and helps to prevent against various types of diseases. It provides vitamin C to body, which is good for overall nutrition of body.

Benefits of lemon you can keep in mind:

Lemon is very effective for your cleansing. It can be included in your daily diet with warm water. You can also include lemon juice along with some honey. It helps to get rid of harmful toxins in your body. It also acts as a complete detoxification of body.

Lemon provides excellent benefits for your daily skin care regime. You can apply lemon juice on daily basis in your skin care routine. It acts as a natural cleanser for your skin. Lemon also acts as an excellent bleaching agent. You can also benefit in case of dark skin complexion. Lemon mixed with cucumber juice can make effective skin mask. It helps to clear your skin, and reduces blemishes on your skin.

Lemon juice is very effective for all your gastric problems. Lemon juice helps to strengthen your digestive system; you can get rid of all the gastric problems in effective way. Lemon is also effective for people suffering from acid reflux. It helps to neutralize the acids in your body. For this purpose, you can opt for one table spoon of lemon juice along with some warm water. Have this water on daily basis for effective result.

Lemon acts as a good source for reducing weight in an effectual manner. For this, you can opt for lemon juice along with warm water and have it daily in morning. You can also add a tea spoon of honey for enhancing the taste. It helps to reduce your weight in a gradual manner.

Lemon juice along with warm water is very effective for people suffering from nausea and dizziness. Having this on daily basis can reduce the condition in an efficient manner.

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