Saturday 21 May 2016

Home hair removal

There are varied methods for hair removal you may choose from. you can choose from temporary and permanent methods for hair removal. this also depends on individual choice. there are many home hair removal methods to choose from. you can choose from waxing or depilatory creams. you can also choose from natural home removal methods. a particular home removal method can also depend on hair growth. most of the women stick to waxing as the best alternative for home removal. you can also choose from hair removing creams as basic home removal methods. but, this again depends on suitability of skin.

Here are some basic tips you may consider for home hair removal:

You can opt for natural form of egg white for your basic home hair removal method. try and take one part of egg white and one part of honey. you can also add some dash of lime juice in this mix. apply this to your face and other parts of body with visible hair. you can keep this util its fully dried up. you can then naturally scrub this off from your skin. this is very effective in reducing the condition of hair growth. this method may be helpful for women who have fine body hair. it has no effect on your skin texture.

You can also opt for basic method of sugar mfor your hair removal. try and opt for one part of granulated sugar and honey. you can also add some lime juice it it. you can make a thick mix of can also be used as your basic waxing methods. you easily get waxing strips in market. you can apply this mix and wax off your unwanted hair. this is thew most effective home hair removal method. you can opt for this method once in a month for effective results for hair growth.

you can also opt for basic form of turmeric for removing your body hair. try and take turmeric and warm water and apply it on your skin. this method helps to reduce your excess hair growth.

These are some tips you may consider for home hair removal.


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