Wednesday 3 February 2016

Men and commitment

In any love relationship, it’s men who are always scared of commitment. The main reason for the same is insecurity. In a relationship, women are more secured than men. Men are scared of commitment due to various reasons. But, the main reason relates to loss of freedom. There is a usual perception in case of men, that the moment they commit into a relationship, they might lose their freedom.

Here are some reasons in case of men getting scared of commitment:

In case of commitment, men think the minute they say “yes” in a relationship, there would be problems with other things. Men usually get scared of the promise which is associated with the commitment. In this case, they are not ready to take responsibility of their partner.

One more reason men get scared to commit is because of social circle. This can relate to their friend circle. There may be many stories in case of married friends, which act as a roadblock to commitment.

Another main reason of men and commitment is associated with financial situation. In many cases, men are not financially viable to take responsibility of their partner. This acts as a major hindrance in case of commitment.

Many a times, there can be a possibility of two timing. In this case, you have to keep a check in your relationship. Many men are scared of commitment because they are dating someone else.There may be a possible nature of dependency on others. This can relate to any other factor. There can be a possibility then some men are just not mentally prepared for commitment. In this case, they are scared to commit in case of a relationship and marriage.

Men are scared of commitment because of the above factors. Though, there can be individual reasons in terms of approach in case of getting committed in a relationship.


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