Thursday 30 April 2015

Do opposites attract

Do opposites attract? Is a clichéd sentence, with some real meaning behind it, but it’s a contradictory sentence! Some people believe, that relationship works only if opposites attract. On the other hand, some people believe, relationship works, only if two people are like minded. But, what is the principal behind do opposites attract? Well, it is a mechanism of nature. 

When you meet someone, who isn’t like you, you feel a curiosity to know that person. The opposite qualities of that person attract you even further. The main reason here is, knowing a person who is of opposite nature.

Let’s take a look at different aspects of differences in two individuals. The first difference is in terms with personality. An extrovert person easily gets attracted to an introvert person. The prime reason for attraction here is inquisitiveness. So personality plays a very important role. A person with a loud character gets attracted to person with subtle character.

Another difference is related to habits and interests. Some habits can be attributed to context of a person. Habits like cleanliness and being punctual can be related to personality traits. Often in a relationship, there are instances of one partner being cleanliness freak, and other it’s opposite. Management of time and punctuality also play an important part in extreme nature of two people.

It has been proven that relationship based on opposite nature work well as against relationship based on similar nature. The initial quality which attracts a person in a relationship mostly sustains for a longer time. Like minded partners tend to have more fights as compared to opposite personalities. Many a time’s like minded people fight on trivial issues like money and habits. In case of opposite natured partners, the understanding is much better for long term commitment. Opposite people in relationship can sustain a relationship in a much better way.


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