Friday 6 December 2013

Circles under eyes tips

Circles under your eyes can be caused due to varied reasons. Circles under your eyes can depend on your particular condition. You may have dark circles, if you do not sleep properly. Circles under eyes can also be caused due to factors like skin aging and smoking. Medicines can also cause condition of circles under eyes. This happens, when you take medicines for a prolonged period. Dark circles under your eyes can be caused due to excessive stress. This is amongst one of the prevailing factors today. You can prevent circles under eyes, by keeping in mind some simple tips.

Here are tips you may consider to treat circles under eyes:

If you want to naturally treat
condition of dark circles, you can use aloe Vera and cucumber mix. You can take a part if cucumber juice and mix it along with aloe Vera juice. You can apply this on area of your dark circles. You can then rinse your face with cold water. Daily application of cucumber mix can help to reduce your condition. Even women with sensitive skin texture, can choose this method.

You can reduce your circles with the help of basic potato juice. This also helps to reduce your dark circles, if used as application.

Food intake can help to reduce your dark circles. By having vitamin rich foods, you can prevent this condition. Try having supplements in the form of vitamin K AND B12; this can also help to reduce your dark circles. Try to reduce your salt consumption; this can also affect your dark circles under eyes. Have max liquids in your diet, if you want to prevent circles under eyes.

Try to relax your body with varied ways. This can also help in reducing your condition. Facial yoga can help to reduce your dark circles, as facial yoga helps to increase your blood circulation. Massage can also help in reducing your circles under eyes. You can use creams and oils for massage.

Apart from this, eye creams can also help to reduce your circles under eyes. Choose from a particular method in reducing your condition of dark circles.

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