Monday 26 August 2013

What causes acne

There are many factors, which can cause acne on your facial skin. this also depends on your skin type. every women have different skin type. the factors causing acne can also change with skin type. some women suffer from mild acne condition, while some suffer from severe acne condition. Though the most common factor which may cause acne today is stress. stress has become a major cause, which can trigger acne and breakouts on your skin. you can also suffer from reverse acne condition with stress as a major cause. Lets take a look at different factors causing different acne conditions on skin.

Factors causing mild acne:

If you suffer fro, condition of white heads and blackheads, then pay attention to your condition.
You could suffer from condition of mild acne with formation of whitehedas and blackhedas on your facial skin. if you see shitehedas and blackheads on your face, then try to get rid of the same. Mild acne is usually small and can be cured easily. There is no pus formation with condition of mild acne on facial skin. try to extol;iate your skin on a daily basis, if you want to prevent mild acne condition.

If you have combination skin, you can suffer from condition of mild acne. This can also be related to tzone. There could be small breakouts on your skin because of oil. This can mostly occur in areas near nose and chin. Its important to cleanse your skin, if you want to prevent mild acne condition. You can also reduce your mild acne condition b application of acne face wash. Try to use this two times in a day to prevent your mild acne condition. You could also suffer from condition of mild acne with a dry skin texture. this happens in rarare cases, you should take care of your skin.

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